Modified 3 vs 3 Culminary Game (feeds off previous drill)

Tactical Problem:  How to pass the ball to a designated setter during game (extra pt.)
Skill development:  Increasing game play knowledge by incorperating the forearm pass and the set

Game Rules:
  • start rally by own teammate tossing ball back to the passer(same as pre. drill) 
  • ball must go over net once to start pt. 
  • extra pt. for getting ball to setter
  • no smashing
  • square to target
  • extended arms and entend legs on contact (forearm pass)
  • finish like Superman when setting
  • add the condition of communication by saying "mine"
Teaching Points: 
  • What direction does the setter face when ball is on the other side of net? on her side?
  • What is the role of the setter


Organizational Points: 
  • team on opposing side of net from previous drill will be the opposition
  • Demo with one group first, don't need to bring class together at this time, keep them at their courts